how to write an article

 How to write a good article quickly 

Written by Ali Subhan Kiani

Dec 9 2021 5 min read

Blogger, freelancer, content writer and copywriters are often some problems. due to how to write a great content, How to make it easy to understand, for it you should improve your skills of writing and thinking great contents

7 Tips of writing a good and article

in the age of internet the article writers who can create a good content in short time are on demand such as, for blogger, movies and for idea for become a great content writer you should follow following 7 tips

1)   Keep a list of ideas handy

you never know when the writers block will hit that's why you should have list of ideas for writing potential news or personal stories. if you have an idea so just keep it down in your notebook or word document in your computer. so when you start writing you will have already a place to start

2)  Eliminate distraction 

a lot of people claim to work better by multitasking. if your goal is that to write a best article in short period of time so you should turn of the tv and mute all the social media so you can focus on article writing 

3)  Research efficiently 

the research is most important to write an article. but it is easy to fall down in the trap of spending to much time if you are writing about facts or history so you should search about it more as possible 

4)  Keep it simple

A reader's attention span is generally short, so one of the best things that you can do as a writer is to keep your article direct and concise having a maximum word count goal will help you not only help you complete you write-ups faster. but it will also result in a streamlined article that focuses on major points while eliminate fluff

5)  Try writing in bullet points 

writing in bullet points can help you to organize your thought, and complete the article faster. also bullet points article drive higher traffic, since search engine algorithms tend to prioritize articles with billet points and subheadings.

6)  Edit after writing

one of the most common mistakes that writers make is trying edit while they writing article by it your work can slow down and also you can do mistakes in your article. the best article writers edit the article after writing

7)  Set a timer

a great way to become a good writer and a quicker you should set a timer of 30 minutes. and see how much you can get done. you'll be surprised how much you can produce during a half hour of focused  uninterrupted writing

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