Warren Buffet | warren buffett

 Warren Buffet:

Warren Buffett was born on 30 August 1930. He belonged to a poor family. His father Howard Buffett was a stoke broker. during those days the American crisis was going by these his family got poor. at that time Warren Buffett thought that he should do something to remove their poverty. so he began to sell the newspaper he woke app 5: 00 o clock in the morning. but soon he knew that he is not earning much of what he wanted so started to sell the cold drinks and the bubbles. soon he started to earn 175 $ which was greater than the school teacher of that time. he did a commitment to his friends that either he will be a millionaire or he will do suicide from the highest building in that town.

Warren Buffet's entry into the stock market:

as his father was a stoke broker so he started to understand the stoke market. how it works, is it risky, what are the techniques to be a successful stoke marketer, etc. he started to study the book about the stock market ( the intelligent investor) from this book he knew different things about the stock market so that when should we buy the stock of the company and when should we sell it, what is the best time to do investment and other related things. now he began his journey as a stoke marketer he bought stock different companies and sold them. . and he started to earn more money. as well as he did his 12th he was the owner of $ 98000. and he also became a millionaire before 30.

Warren Buffet family:

warren buffet wife

1. Late Susan Buffet 

she sang many songs in new york and was the and was a director of Berkshire Hathaway Inc. he died at the age of 72 due to the cancer

2. Astrid Menks 

Astrid Menks is the new wife of warren buffet after his wife passed away which was used in the singing song.

Warren Buffet Children:

1. Susan Alice Buffett 

Susan Alice Buffett was born on 30 July 1953. Susan was a girl and eldest daughter of Warren Buffet. she took many parts in charities. and also focus on the Buffet Foundation.

2. Howard Graham Buffett 

Howard Graham was born on 16 Dec 1954. he is the middle child of Warren Buffet and is the brother of Susan and peter. He is a philanthropist. and he also took part in politics, photography farming, and business. In his earlier days in the family business, he was a writer and he wrote many books.

3. Peter Andrew Buffett:

Peter was born on 4 May 1958. Peter is the youngest of his siblings. he is also a famous musician and also philanthropist, composer, and author. he is a great author his name is included in the new york times best seller list.

Warren Buffet strategies: 

Warren buffet is successful as we know. he is also included in the list of richest people in the world. So how he became a successful person in his life so he should have some strategies which are given below.

1. Find a strong goal statement

with commitment

2. take only result-oriented action

with commitment 

Don,t change your Goal, Change your stratigy

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