black hole

 Written by Ali Subhan Kiani

Updated on 15/6/2022

Black hole:

Black hole is a region from which nothing even the particles, the light or other else can not escape from its gravity Is called Black hole. Black hole is much powerful as that it can attracts any things even the sun it is in the range of its gravitational force.

How the black hole creates:

A black hole is creates whenever the massive star destroy. or whenever the massive star ends it's life. or when the two star attracts together. How the two stars attracts each other? whenever the two massive stars come a close together both gravitational force attracts each other. when they close near together they start moving around together. eventually slowly slowly the speeds of the stars increases and eventually the bunked together and due to this the blast forms and after it the black holes create. and it attracts each other.

blasts of two starsBlack hole

The types of Black hole:

you should think that all the black holes are the same? if you are thinking that than you are wrong because there are also the types of black holes as given below;

1.Stellar-Mass Black Holes:

They form from stars and 10-20 times more mass than our sun. when star dies it collapse upon itself which some times creating a super Nova. which some times blasts it outer layer. if its enough mass is remain it make a black hole. From which even light can not escape.

Stellar-Mass Black Hole

2. Super massive Black holes:

it has 1,000,000 more mass than our Sun. the evidence suggest that it exists between most of the galaxies. the Super massive black holes between the milky way is estimated about 93 million miles across and 4 million solar masses. some near galaxies have the super massive black holes 21 billion times more mass than our sun. scientist do not know that how the formed or grew but it is closely related to galaxy formation.

Super massive Black Hole

3. Intermediate Black hole:

there mass is intermediate between stellar and super massive black hoeles. it may form by the collapse of oldest stars or between balck holes.

Two black holes are collapsing

Two old stars are collapsing

4. Miniature Black holes:

it exists only in the theory. these cloud be as wide as atomic particle. but have the same mass as mount Everest they may have soon formed after Big Bang. making them about 13.7 billion years old.

What was Big Bang?

The Big Bang hypothesis addresses cosmologists' best endeavors to reproduce the long term story of the universe in view of the bit of presence apparent today. Various individuals utilize the expression "Enormous detonation" in various ways. Most by and large, it delineates the bend of the perceptible universe as it dispersed and chilled off from an at first thick, hot state. This portrayal reduces to the possibility that the universe is growing, a wide guideline practically equivalent to natural selection in science that couple of would consider easily proven wrong. All the more explicitly, the Big Bang can likewise allude to the introduction of the discernible universe itself — the second something changed, launching the occasions that prompted today. Cosmologists have contended for a really long time about the subtleties of that negligible part of a second, and the conversation go on today. [From Big Bang to Present: Snapshots of Our Universe Through Time]

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