Effective studies for exam

Effective studies for exam

Students face troubles and obstacles in preparing for exams. Every student has a burden for preparing his or her exam they adopt many ways of studying fast and efficiently but unlikely they will achieve their goal. There are uncountable ways of studying fast, because each student has their own mental ability, and everyone knows how he or she will study fast and efficiently, but most students adopt “SQRRR” method for studying and preparing for exam. What is SQRRR? Will it be efficient for preparing for the exam?

SQRRR stands for: “survey questions reading recite review” which are also the steps of SQRRR (SQ triple R), thus if you prepare anything according to SQRRR it will be never forgotten by you in the life

1)      Survey:

Let’s suppose you are preparing for a chapter so First you have to look at your chapter, what are the major and important topics in it. You have to make a schedule for how much time you have to take to complete this chapter, this point will give you an idea and will help you to complete your chapter on the given date.

2)      Question:

When you will survey your chapter you have to ask yourself, what kind of topics you know, how to solve them, what it is related to, and other questions. The more you question yourself more you learn.

3)      Reading:

After questioning yourself you have to read the complete chapter carefully, and you have to make your own notes, point out the major points, and write them down on one page. This process is also called deep reading

4)      Recite or record:

After deep reading, you have to make your notes carefully and they should cover all the major points and topics. For example, if you are making notes on the physics chapter firstly you have to write all formulas of this chapter on one page and you should cover other points on other pages.

5)      Review and Recall:

You have to review and recall your notes, firstly in 24 hours then in a week then in a month. You can review more quickly so it will also help you remember for the long term. Let’s suppose you have written all the formulas of the physics chapter now recall these formulas every day, so they can be stored in your subconscious mind, and will be easily recalled when you want them.

My opinion about this technique is that this method is good, as I am preparing for my exams with this method.

So please let me know your opinion in the comments.


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