what is digital technology? what are the importance of it?


Written by Ali Subhan Kiani

Dec 13 2021 5 min reads

Reaching beyond the stars

Have you ever listen a fictional story that the boy gets a magical lamp which fulfilled his all wishes do you think that is it possible Yes or No

No because there is no any magical lamp but there is digital technology like a magical lamp that fulfilled our wishes. It is like a magic because our great grandparents would never had imagined that it can be happened.

What does digital technology means? Digital is a way to operate the computer for our purpose. The digital technology first developed in 1970 but from 1980 to 2000 it took speed and changed the way of living life and never stopped. It has done all the things that our grandparents thought as a magic.

What is does digital technology offers?

Digital technologies have changed many things for us. That how we play games, how we study, how we purchase any thing and etc. our computer, laptops, mobile phones, tablets, iPod, iphones and etc are all miracles of digital technology.

What are the importances of digital technology?

1) We can do everything by sitting in our homes such as

We can do shopping, we can play games, we can communicate with others, we can enjoy with our friends, family members by chats, we can study by different apps available in our mobile and pc etc.

2) Shopping by the digital technology

Few years ago we do shopping by different markets and places but with the help of digital technology we should not go to everywhere we can do shopping with different apps by sitting in our home. We just order anything and they will deliver to our address.

3) Communicating with others with the help of digital technology

In the past era we use pigeons are used for communicating with someone and later developed the communicating system yet 1990 almost people write letters for communicate and then what for getting the answer this process takes a lot of days. But with the help of digital technology we can communicate with other in a jiffy and can get answer in a second.

4) Enjoying with the help of digital technology

If our parents or siblings or family members or friends are far from us or in abroad country so we can talk with them we can enjoy with them we can enjoy our events and other more things we can do by digital technology. How the times spend we does not feel all are with the help of digital marketing digital technology

5) Can we study with the help of digital technology?

As we know that the digital technology has changed the way of living of human beings. The all works can be done with the help of digital technology by sitting in our homes. So we can study with the help of digital technology with different apps for mobile, pc and laptop etc

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