Galileo Galilee


Written by Ali Subhan Kiani

Dec 14 2021 3 min read

Galileo Galilee

Once upon a time there was a boy in a small town of Pisa, Italy. He had a strange fascination for stars and every now and then he would gaze at the shining bright dots in the sky, wondering if he would be able to get close to them.

This fascination grew stronger with time, and as he grew older, he tried to find out more about these bright shining dots.

He was curious to know what made them shine so bright or twinkle in a dark black sky. These questions led to the creation of what we now know as the telescope. Yes, he made an improved version of a telescope through which people could gaze at the stars very clearly.

This little boy named was Galileo Galilee grew up to be an Italian scientist and an extraordinary astronomer. Is not that wonderful? Lets learn a little more about how he started this amazing journey. First Galileo wanted to be a doctor. Yes, he even began studying for it but could not complete it. He had no money left and soon realized he was more interested in doing mathematics. He was also very good musician. Amazing, is not it? He could do so many wonderful things.

Galileo’s interest in stars led him to understand how planets revolve around the sun. back at that time, scientist believed that the sun and the planets revolved around the Earth. Galileo proved the wrong. He was indeed a very smart man.

He invented many remarkable things including a telescope, a celatone, a proportional compass and a micrometer. Wow, no wonder he was famous. Let’s fine out about his inventions.

Galileo’s invention


Telescope: a device that magnifies faraway objects. Galileo’s telescope could magnify any object up to 30 times.

Celtone: a device to observe Jupiter’s moons to find the longitude on earth.

Proportional compass: also known as sector, this device was designed to calculate proportional’s of objects in relations to others.

Micrometer: an instrument that measures objects to the most accurate measurements, even up to one-thousandth of an inch.


Some important facts about Galileo Galilee


 Galileo Galilee was born in Pisa, Italy on 15 February 1564


Galileo Galilee was died in 8 January 1642


University of Pisa


Astronomy, physics, engineering, natural, philosophy and mathematics


Galileo Galilee was a famous scientist born in Pisa, Italy in 15 February 1654 he was interested in astronomy and math etc. he is known for analytical dynamics, heliocentrism, kinematics and observational astronomy


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